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8.5 billion "core blood": domestic substitution of high-end semiconductor equipment is insufficient
发表时间:2021-07-26     阅读次数:     字体:【

On April 22, the announcement of Huachuang of northern China announced that the proposed increase in fund raising is no more than 8.5 billion yuan, mainly used for three projects: expansion project of semiconductor equipment industrialization base (phase IV), high-end semiconductor equipment R & D project and high precision electronic components industrialization base expansion project (phase III)

Even though the domestic semiconductor leading equipment companies have set a big increase, the goal of "copying" one of their own, including asmai, application materials, pan Lin semiconductor, etc., the U.S. semiconductor equipment stocks also opened the whole line of rise last night.

It is found that although the key technology of 7 nm technology generation equipment of Huachuang is still in the R & D stage, a variety of 28 nm technology generation IC key equipment is used in mass production in the large production line. A variety of 14 nm technology substitute equipment has entered the verification stage, and the equipment products in the field of Pan semiconductor have also been applied in batch in the mainstream production line in China.

The key is that a number of 12 inch key integrated circuit equipment have been applied in domestic leading OEM enterprises and leading memory enterprises, and 8-inch equipment has also been fully stationed in domestic mainstream OEM factories and IDM enterprises.

Therefore, the editor believes that since northern Huachuang has formed a stable cooperative relationship with a number of high-quality customers and accumulated a certain market foundation, it can mainly provide key guarantee for the smooth implementation of the two projects of "production expansion of semiconductor equipment industrialization base" and "high-end semiconductor equipment R & D". After the former is completed, it will also become its largest equipment production and manufacturing base, Form two-way coordination with the headquarters base. The "high precision electronic components" project is a mature product and traditional advantageous industry of northern Huachuang. The implementation of the production expansion plan should be to further improve its original market share.


Among them, the total annual average profit of the above two expansion projects is as high as 940 million yuan. In contrast, the total profit of northern Huachuang last year was only 684 million yuan, far exceeding its original profit scale, which is equivalent to "copying" the original company. The ambition and significance of the project implementation are self-evident.

Semiconductor devices continue to be popular,

Domestic manufacturers are willing but insufficient

The editor recently learned that at present, the delivery time of some semiconductor equipment has been doubled, and the delivery time of some key equipment has even been extended to 12 months or more. The second-hand equipment market continues to be popular. The seller's market is undoubtedly a strong guarantee for the commercial performance of equipment. ASML's Q1 profit rose nearly 80% this year, which is too tempting. Therefore, domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers also usher in huge market opportunities.

After all, after years of development, North China Chuang has built a certain technical foundation in the field of electronic technology equipment and electronic components, such as etcher, PVD, CVD, ALD, cleaning machine, vertical furnace, etc. However, due to the growing demand of the third generation semiconductor equipment, the above business segment is also facing a favorable market environment.

With the acceleration of localization in recent two years, domestic equipment manufacturers have also gained more opportunities. In addition to North China Chuang, the manufacturers of China micro semiconductor, core source micro, Huafeng measurement and control have entered the local supply chain.

Last week, the latest data released by semi showed that last year, the total sales of global semiconductor equipment increased by nearly 20% year-on-year, a record high. It is exciting that China has become the world's largest semiconductor equipment market for the first time, which reflects China's unremitting efforts to promote domestic substitution of semiconductor "neck" industry. This once again supports the previous view.

However, although the market scale has reached the top, as we all know, the self-sufficiency rate of domestic high-end semiconductor equipment is still very low, the technical level of domestic equipment manufacturers is uneven, and it is still in a relatively backward stage on the whole. Although the market space still has great potential, it will also face more challenges.

After all, in fact, after the above-mentioned raised investment project of northern Huachuang is completed and put into operation, the scale of its fixed assets and intangible assets will also increase significantly. However, since it takes a certain time for the project to reach full production, and the fixed cost expenses such as depreciation of fixed assets and amortization of intangible assets are started in advance, it should have a certain impact on its profit data in a short period of time. Based on the current industrial policy, market environment, technological innovation and other uncertain factors, if the project can not achieve the expected income, it will directly lead to the decline of operating performance.

In addition, as mentioned above, with the global IC market and capacity transfer, while driving the scale of China's integrated circuit industry to be promoted, it will further make China become the main revenue area of global semiconductor equipment manufacturers. The competition among semiconductor equipment manufacturers will undoubtedly tend to be day-to-day.

Moreover, the increasing investment of international competitors will lead to the expansion of the technology gap of northern Huachuang, including certain risks in the R & D and industrialization of new products and technologies. For example, in terms of intellectual property rights, the possibility of mutual litigation conflict will increase, and the expansion of scale will also bring management risks, Future market expansion will face greater challenges.

Generally speaking, while further improving the industrialization capacity of existing integrated circuit equipment, North Huachuang also focuses on the next generation of key technologies of high-end equipment. However, although the sense of existence of domestic manufacturers is also improving under the background of the intensification of semiconductor shortage, the opposition and competition in the semiconductor field are obviously becoming increasingly fierce.

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