These devices consist of four independent voltage comparators that are designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from dual supplies also is possible, as long as the difference between the two supplies is 2 V to 36 V, and VCC is at least 1.5 V more positive than the input common-mode voltage. Current drain is independent of the supply voltage. The outputs can be connected to other opencollector outputs to achieve wired-AND relationships.
Application areas include transducer amplifiers, dc gainblocks and all the conventional op amp circuits which nowcan be more easily implemented in single power supply sys-tems. For example, the LM158 series can be directly oper-ated off of the standard +5V power supply voltage which isused in digital systems and will easily provide the requiredinterface electronics without requiring the additional ± 15Vpower supplies.The LM358 is also available in a chip sized package(8-Bump micro SMD) using National's micro SMD packagetechnology
? Wide Supply RangesSingle Supply: 2 V to 36 V(Tested to 30 V for Non-V Devices and 32 V for V-Suffix Devices)Dual Supplies: ±1 V to ±18 V Ground (Tested to ±15 V for Non-V Devices and ±16 V for V-Suffix Devices)? Low Supply-Current Drain Independent of Supply Voltage: 0.8 mA (Typ)? Low Input Bias Current: 25 nA (Typ) -? Low Input Offset Current: 3 nA (Typ) ? Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes - Dual Supplies: ±1 V to ±18 V Ground ? Differential Input Voltage Range Equal to ±16 V for V-Suffix Devices) Maximum-Rated Supply Voltage: ±36 V? Low Output Saturation Voltage Supply Voltage: 0.8 mA (Typ)? Output Compatible With TTL, MOS, and CMOS