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The CD4013B deviceconsistsof twoidentical,independentdata-typeflip-flops.Eachflip-flophasindependentdata,set, reset,and clockinputsand Qand Q outputs.Thesedevicescan be usedfor shiftregisterapplications,and,by connectingQ outputtothe datainput,for counterand toggleapplications.The logiclevelpresentat the D inputis transferredtothe Q outputduringthe positive-goingtransitionof theclockpulse.Settingor resettingis independentof theclockand is accomplishedby a highlevelon the setor resetline, respectively.The CD4013Btypesare suppliedin 14-pindual-in-line plasticpackages(E suffix),14-pinsmall-outlinepackages(M, MT,M96,andNSRsuffixes),and14-pinthin shrinksmall-outlinepackages(PWandPWRsuffixes).

? PowerDelivery
? Grid Infrastructure
? Medical,Healthcare,and Fitness
? BodyElectronicsand Lighting
? BuildingAutomation
? TelecomInfrastructure
? Testand Measurement

? AsynchronousSet-ResetCapability
? StaticFlip-FlopOperation
? Medium-SpeedOperation:16 MHz(Typical)ClockToggleRateat 10-VSupply
? StandardizedSymmetricalOutputCharacteristics
? MaximumInputCurrentOf 1-μA at 18 V OverFullPackageTemperatureRange:
- 100 nA at 18 V and 25°C
? NoiseMargin(OverFull PackageTemperatureRange):
- 1 V at VDD= 5 V
- 2 V at VDD= 10 V
- 2.5 V at VDD= 15 V